
ALEXANDER BANKOV,  INC (Entity Number: 4236176, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations, Department of State, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ( https://www.corporations.state.pa.us/corp ) has been registered since December of 2013.

Dr. Bankov (NPI 1841217270) is a Board certified anesthesiologist  licensed in Pennsylvania (MD073454L) and a registered medical professional in the United Kingdom (GMC Reg. # 4347015) and  Russia (Specialist's Certifiate A 3487955). He is certified in Advanced Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE). Dr. Bankov is active internationally, being a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK) and an Examiner for the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC). Most recently he presented results of collaboration with colleagues from Russia (http://tele.med.ru)  during  the 36th Annual Meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists in New Orleans (2014) and Annual Med-@-Tel Meeting (International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth) in Luxembourg (2010).

Prospect of experiencing anesthesia - that  is  incredibly safe nowadays - can still bring about fear and confusion in patients and their families. Anesthesia  is not free of potential side effects and complications either, which is true for the whole encounter with modern medicine.  Empowering patients with relevant information that can positively influence their care is one of our strengths. It is accomplished as during traditional preoperative evaluation as well as by means of modern telecommunication, like videoconsultation. 

Growing trend of facilitating access to expert doctor's opinion using convenience of Internet and mobile communication technology is taking shape and we are proud to be part of this new development. We believe there is a demand  and potential to bridge the gap that exists between the expert level of busy clinicians, vast ocean of the information available online and current needs of an individual patient.

Because of personal experience in different countries, we would strive  to help others in developing closer ties internationally, raise level of understanding and hopefully elevate  standards  of care by providing necessary  insight and  support. Anesthesiologists are accustomed  to look over and beyond the drapes, curtains and barriers and "keep the finger on the pulse" - so whether you travel to United States, Russia or somewhere else - you might benefit from a consultation before or during your travel. 

We accept all major credit cards. There is no middleman, and you are in control. If we are not able to provide information/help/ assistance, there is no charge. We value our time and respect yours.

ALEXANDER BANKOV INC  is bound by  professional ethical standards and does not have financial interest in recommending or endorsing any particular product, unless there is an explicit and specific disclosure.  We reserve the right to express our opinion based on the personal experience and validated by respected colleagues because we believe it helps in achieveing best results in patients care. Let us be a part of your solution of your healthcare needs. Give us a call or  email us  to learn more about our services / schedule consultation.